My report for ownCloud conference 2016

On September 9th-15th 2016, the ownCloud conference took place in Berlin. That was my second year in a row to participate to that awesome event. I met new friends there and made me happy.
On September 7th was my last exam at the university and 2 days later I was in Berlin. After the first coffee brake I joined the video team and had a very small task. I hope I helped.
The first day keynote was by Cornelius Schumacher abouy Freedom of Webservices

Pretty interesting for everyone who uses internet services. I don't want to change his words, so you better see the video to understand what I mean.
An engineering update by Klaas and Thomas was cleared the path what will follow. Many interesting presentations about android and iOS developement, LDAP, WebDAV and many many others.
The second day keynote was by Michael Meeks with the subject Integrating ownCloud and Collabora.
We all want to edit documents on our ownCloud instance. He showed us the progress. You can see his presention here.
I attended to Carlos' presentation about installing ownCloud 101. Well, I think I knew how to install but he showed us many hints. He asked me to write documentation about openSUSE. This is a task I'll do soon.
The next days were the hacking days for me (although I saw couple of presentations). Since I don't know any programming language, I started to translate. You can help translate ownCloud on transifex. I managed to translate about 200 strings (more or less). Now there are about 400 strings left.
I would like to thank ownCloud that sponsored me to attend to the conference. It means so much to me since my country has financial problems and it's kind of luxury to us to participate to such events. I would also like to thank Jonathan Kawohl, who helped me with my trip and during the conference.
Hope to see you guys next year.
See more pictures:
1. owncloudconf 2016 The Weekend
2. owncloudconf 2016 Marketplace & Scaling on Monday and Tuesday
Read more:
1. ownCloud conference 2016: Pure Awesomeness!
2. talks from the ownCloud conference 2016 weekend
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