My report from Nextcloud conference 2016

The first Nextcloud conributors conference took place in Berlin from September 16 - 22. It was my pleasure to join the conference and help my friend Jos to organize it. I consider myself lucky because I attended ownCloud conference few days ago. It was an opportunity for me to compare the two projects and the communities after summer incident.
The conference started a day before the official opening. I helped to setup the venue, so everything will be ready for the next day. It was fun meeting with friends.
Friday, opened with a focus on scalability and federation, with special workshops and meetups around these subjects (see the schedule). Frank Karlitschek had the last presentation, the launch of the Nextcloud Box. Nextcloud with WDlabs and Canonical launchd the box. For more information, click on the box...

I bought 2 boxes for 2 friends back home. The offer was a free Raspberry Pi if you buy it there. I had some concerns how to carry them back home. I didn't have problem at the airport. One of my friends wrote a review.

The Nextcloud Box is featured on
Saturday and Sunday were the 2 days of the keynotes and lightning talks.
On Saturday, Jane Silber (CEO of Canonical) opened the conference.
Sunday was Karen Sandler's (Executive Director at the Software Freedom Conservancy) turn to open the conference. I know Karen from GNOME and it's the second time I meet her (first was Desktop Summit, again in Berlin). Strange (and cool) thing for me when I went to introduce myself to Karen and she new my name from GNOME Greece. I mean I was mentor for the former Outreach program for women (now Outreachy) but din't expect to remember my name.
Next day was hacking day for everyone. Well, I tried to translate Nextcloud (since I don't know any programming language). Well I translated about 200 strings (580 left to 100%). Nextcloud developers add more features (and strings) everyday. So I guess it's hard to reach 100% very fast.
For those of you who met me there and saw me not socializing enough, I would like to apologize. I was away from home for a long time and I think I was tired. But I enjoyed very much the conference, I met old friends and had a lot of fun. I would like to thank NextCloud and Jos that helped me stay after ownCloud's conference so I can compare those two. I hope I helped enough both Jos and Nextcloud community.
Hope to see you all next year (FOSDEM or conference).
Here you can find some pictures from the conference:
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