Nextcloud at FOSSCOMM 2017

FOSSCOMM is a Greek FOSS communities conference. An open source team organizes the conference each year. It's a great opportunity for hackers to meet afk and to present what's new for their projects. It's also a good opportunity for the visitors to meet the people that are behind the keyboard of the projects, talk to them and realize that they're normal people. ;-)
This year the conference held at Harokopion University (Athens), November 4-5.

Nextcloud had a booth and 2 presentations.
We arrived early at the University and we had the opportunity to choose the best "spot". We wanted to do something for the first time in Greek conference. We wanted to have sub-presentations at the booth. We put the table on the back (so people can come "inside" our booth area) and we requested as many chairs as they can give us.
Pantelis brought his monitor to show Nextcloud in action. Christos brought his Nextcloud Box and some leaflets left from previous events. George brought his Banana Pi Nextcloud instance. Finally, I had some stickers from the last conference and I made some buttons.

Unfortunately we didn't have a banner but we put 3 t-shirts on the panel to show that it's Nextcloud booth.

Me, Pantelis and George were the people who took care of the booth both conference days.

Let's see our presentations. Mine had to do with Nextcloud Introduction as a product and as community. Then Pantelis Sarantos presented the awesome Nextcloud Pi. As you can see, we had audience and good questions to reply.

Personally, I believe that we did a great job promoting our presentations. It's not only the audience you can see on the picture but I kept a screenshot of the android application with the conference schedule. Just check out the "stars", meaning how many people added that they want to watch the presentation. Keynote might had more people due to the room and the schedule. Check out the screenshots:

The fun moved to our booth. We gathered some people so Chris and George explained us the Nextcloud Box and a manual installation on Banana Pi.

Next, Pantelis had fun installing and configuring Nextcloud Pi.

The second day our friends from other project didn't come and we asked to take their position. So we were at the center of the booths room. We had plenty of people asking us about Nextcloud.

Personally, I had plenty of important meetings with people and I hope to make happen the ideas we talked about Nextcloud in Greece.
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