Nextcloud presentation at school, Nov 24th, 2016

On Nov 24th, I was invited to present FLOSS related. Check my report on openSUSE Project. Second subject I covered was cloud services.

First I started to explain what is cloud and how we use it today. Students, although they use cloud everyday, they didn't know that they do. I pointed out that our data are stored somewhere and they wait for someone to filter them. The sentence "I don't have something to hide from anyone" is wrong. One solution to this need is using Nextcloud.

I showed them very fast how to install it (a question popped up how to install a LAMP server). After installing there was how to use Nextcloud, something closer to end user.

Most questions were the space that Nextcloud provide and where they can install it (an old system at home). I knew that there will be a question, so I had a slide about Nextcloud box.
As next step, professors will organize a workshop at school about how to install it on an ARM board (or an old computer).
I had some stickers left from the conference. I had a slide where they can find help and our Greek Facebook Group link for their questions.

I would like to thank Jos Poortvliet for helping me to make the presentation file and Alexandros Mouhtsis that managed with his professors to organize this presentation. Finally, I would like to thank Dimitrios Katsikas for taking pictures.
Here is the post at
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