openSUSE project presentation at school, Nov 24th, 2016

On November 16th there was the release of openSUSE Leap 42.2. On November 24th, I had the opportunity to present openSUSE Project at school.
I was asked to make an introduction to FLOSS in general and more specific about openSUSE Project. The school was for middle aged people, for persons who quited school to work and conftibute financially to their families. There were 3 classes that they taught something computer related. It was a great opportunity for them to learn what FLOSS is and what makes openSUSE great Linux distro.
I busted the myth that "Linux is hard because you have to be a hacker, it's terminal operated" I showed them how to install openSUSE Leap step by step (pictures) and also how to use GNOME (pictures). I mentioned our tools to make a very stable distro and finally I showed them that it's not only a distro but there are people (the communtity) that take care of the software.

There were plenty of questions about linux software alternatives, how to install, if they can replace Ubuntu/Windows with openSUSE and what is perfect suit for specific systems. Each student took a DVD with stikers and a card with Greek community information. Professors will organize an install fest for their lab and/or laptops of their students.
I would like to thank Douglas DeMaio for managing to send me DVDs and stickers and Alexandros Mouhtsis that managed with his professors to organize this presentation. Finally, I would like to thank Dimitrios Katsikas for taking pictures.

There's same post at lizards.
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